1. Hi Julia – I identify with your horrible experience with medical professionals – maybe they should start googling themselves to check out forums and research for people/adults with PDA/ADD/ASD etc. My son has ASD/ADD and PDA – oh my gosh Psychiatrist is an arrogant, unhelpful, dissmissive man. My son is 20 and has aged out for previous supports and doctors. Guess what despite 3 x multi disiplinary team diagnosis, numerous workshops, psychologists, school changes, independant plans, social workers etc.. not being able to “crack open” my son despite “all his fantastic attributes” has now decided it is MY FAULT… yep I “cared too much and wanted him to be happy” so now he is not as resiliant as he should be… Maybe the Psych could have researched – my son was in creche while I worked as a toddler, caught the bus to school and I am a single parent that has worked, studied etc.. No way do professionals (in Australia) understand the PDA profile.

    Thanks for sharing – I’ve just found this blog so will be working my way through your posts.

    PS Ritlan is prescribed for 70 years olds !

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  2. I still can’t grasp how these people in these jobs have next no clue of the clients they see.I have the same issues with the ‘professionals’ I see for my children.If you don’t know these people how can you judge them.It is so frustrating


  3. Julia, I really identify with your fear of psychiatrists. I don’t think your anxiety about them is unreasonable at all. They are pseudo-scientific frauds with tremendous power to harm. Psychiatric diagnoses are based on collections of observed symptoms rather than any verifiable understanding of biological causes, so of course there is a huge amount of subjectivity, second guessing, and misdiagnosis.

    I wonder if it has occurred to you, though, that the psychiatrist who diagnosed you with psychosis at age 11 was probably just as much of a fraud. I’m not saying you didn’t experience psychosis as a child – how would I know? – but psychosis is one of those disorders, along with bipolar and borderline personality, that females on the spectrum are frequently misdiagnosed with.

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    • All I can say is my psychosis is very real. Whatever name we give it I hear a voice telling me I’m worthless, that I should die and that I’m disgusting etc. The list of insults is longer than I can type.

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  4. That’s a really awful experience. My GP suggested I might have PDA which is why I’m here but I’m currently only diagnosed with anxiety and depression and Emotional unstability personality disorder…

    I am convinced I have ADHD but only inattentive type and I had the worst interview with a psychiatrist for that and she was awful. I’m 35 and my mum kept going on about how clever I was when I was a kid so that really put the nail in it even though ADHD isn’t supposed to have anything to do with intelligence! I dread trying to get a second opinion.

    I don’t think people realise how hard it is when people have anxiety and the psychiatrist is questioning everything you say like you’re stupid. I get so stressed just thinking about it! So I know where you’re coming from!

    I really hope you find someone who understands things better and that your new GP can help. Hopefully there will be better services out there. Anyway, even if I don’t have PDA just reading your blog has helped me a lot so thank you and I hope you continue to write when you are able.


  5. That’s terrible – can you have a second opinion? or see your MP? The nightmare never seems to end does it? I’m sorry to hear you’re having to go through this! I hope you can find a way of solving this awful situation – Much love –

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